Minggu, 28 November 2010

Satou Daisuke dan Satou Shoji dalam Manga Highschool of the Dead

Pilih Bertarung atau Mati

Saat terdesak, manusiaakan menunjukkan sifataslinya. Asal diri sendiribisa bertahan, nyawa orangpun dikorbankan.
ITU adalah realitas yang diusung duo Satou Daisuke dan Satou Shoji dalam manga Highschool of the Dead Peribahasa don 1 judge a book by its cover nggak berlaku bagi Highschool of the Dead. Sesuai judulnya, hampir seluruh tokoh dalam serial itu adalah siswa SMU dan orang mati.
Jangan harap menemukan drama kehidupan SMA yang mengharu biru dan penuh cinta. Cinta sih ada, tapi nggak penting. Bagaimana menikmati percintaan kalau besok saja mereka belum tentu bertahan hidup?
Duo Satou-Sato hanya membe-rikan dua pilihan kepada para tokoh rekaan mereka bertarung atau mati. Menyerah berarti mati. Kalau pilih bertarung, mereka harus siap menekan hati nunun dan melakukan segala cara untuk bertahan hidup.
Sebagai serial action thriller, High-school of the Dead identik dengan ceceran darah dan adegan baku hantam intens. Rentetan ketegangan bertubi-tubi dihadirkan duo kreatomya. Beberapa chapter menggali sisi psikologis para tokoh utamanya dan minim pertarungan. Sisanya, bagaikan survival game tanpa akhir.
Untuk menimpali kentalnya adegan action, kedua kreator High-school of the Dead menyuguhkan fanservice di sana-sini. Cukup manjur untuk menjerat pembaca cowok, walaupun hal itu mungkin justru membuat pembaca cewek jengah.
Mulai 5 Juli 2010. Highschool of the Dead tampil dalam format anime. Stasiun pertama yang mena-yangkannya adalah AT-X. Tujuh stasiun TV lain turut menyiarkan anime gore tersebut. Animasinya dikerjakan Studio Madhouse.
Highschool of the Dead menampilkan gambaran dunia yang kacau akibat invasi zombie yang entah dari mana asalnya. Dafam waktu kurang dari 24 jam, eksistensi umat manusia terancam musnah. Jumlah zombie berlipat ganda hanya lewat satu gigitan fatal. Mereka yang tergigit akan tewas dan bangkit kembali sebagai makhluk imortal.
Komuro Takashi adalah survivor dari SMU Fujimi. Bersama Miyamoto Rei, cewek yang lama ditaksir-nya, Takagi Saya, Busujima Saeko. Hirano Kotai, dan Marikawa Shizuka, mereka berjuang untuk tetap hidup.

Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010


hmmm....gw inget kemaren tepatnya hari sabtu tanggal 30 oktober 2010.
temen-temen gw nginep dirumah gw.....

atenk & bokir bestfriend gw hehehehe
si atenk yg paling cabruk alias stres ^_^
si bokir paling gokil alias gila  ^,^

pas malemnya gw ama temen-temen maen PS....
si atenk paling banyak maen PS -,-"
pokoknya dy yg paling enak...(ASA PANG AING NA)
enak bgt dah si atenk mah....nginep enak...makan disediain....rek naon deui atoh hirup mah...ho'oh teu tenk ? hehehehehehe

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Misteri Area 51 Part 1

Area 51 merupakan institusi militer paling terkenal di dunia tapi keberadaannya paling sulit dilacak. Kalaupun Area 51 nyata, fasilitas itu kemungkinan besar berada di 100 mil di luar Las Vegas di Gurun Nevada, bersanding dengan markas angkatan udara dan tempat ujicoba nuklir bawah tanah.

Lokasi itu bagi pendukung teori konspirasi sebagai wilayah bagi insinyur Pentagon dalam merakit ulang ulang UFO yang jatuh. Selain itu juga tempat penyimpanan Extra Terrestrial (ET) atau makhluk aneh yang dibekukan.

Pada 2001 acara Katie Couric mendapati 7% warga AS tidak percaya negara itu benar-benar pernah mendarat di bulan. Foto–foto yang diungkap ke publik dinilai rekayasa dan dibuat di gurun Nevada. Namun menyangkut Area 51 malah dianggap nyata, termasuk bisa dilihat dengan foto satelit dengan Google Earth.

New York Time akhirnya berhasil membuat laporan mengenai Area 51 berdasarkan pengakuan lima mantan karyawannya. Kolonel Hugh Slater, 87 merupakan komandan markas Area 51 pada era 1960 an. Edward Lovick 90 tahun adalah pakar yang selama 30 tahun menguji radar untuk pesawat terkenal, termasuk U-2, A-12 OXCART dan F-117.

Sementara Kenneth Collins 80 adalah pilot tes pesawat CIA. Thornton Barnes 72 tahun dan Harry Martin 77 tahun merupakan insinyur proyek khusus Area 51. Juga orang yang bertanggung jawab membangun wahana setengah juta galon persedian bulanan bahan bakar untuk pesawat mata-mata.

Collins pernah menerbangkan pesawat paling rahasia keluar dari Area 51 dengan kode nama OXCART. Pesawat itu dibuat oleh Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. Saat terbang di atas Utah pesawat mulai melintir dan jatuh ke bumi. Dia selamat dengan kursi pelontar. Setelah 46 tahun Collins baru diajak melihat kembali pesawatnya yang jatuh pada 2008.

Sedangkan Lovick merupakan ahli fisika yang mengembangkan teknologi siluman. Ia mengatakan fasilitas itu tidak selalu disebut sebagai Area 51. Atasannya, pembuat pesawat legendaris Clarence L Johnson menyebut fasilitas itu sebagai Paradise Ranch bagi orang yang mau meninggalkan keluarganya dan hidup di gurun Nevada yang ganas demi ilmu dan melawan negara jahat.

Lalu apakah ada UFO di Area 51? Selama bertahun-tahun misteri Area 51 dibawa pegawainya hingga ke liang lahat. Namun pengakuan Collins, Lovick, Slater, Barnes dan Martin tampaknya mengecewakan para penganut teori konspirasi.

Mengenai mitos perakitan ulang pesawat UFO yang jatuh, Barnes memberikan pencerahan. "Kami melakukan pembangunan ulang banyak teknologi luar, termasuk pesawat tempur jet Soviet MiG,” katanya. Pesawat MiG jelas–jelas tidak mirip UFO.

Lalu munculnya pesawat mirip piring terbang dari mana? Bentuk OXCART sangat aneh, tebal dan mirip piring. Bentuk seperti itu karena didesain untuk membawa bahan bakar dalam jumlah besar.

Pilot pesawat komersial yang melintah di atas Nevada akan melihat OXCART yang berbalut body titanium akan memantulkan sinar matahari. Apalagi dengan kamampuan bergerak cepat seperti peluru, tidak heran jika akan menyangka sebagai piring terbang.

<=.CH 8 & 3


<=.SR 71_1



Kamis, 16 September 2010

Genesis Rhapsodos

"My soul, corrupted by vengeance, hath endured torment to find the end of the journey, in my own salvation and your eternal slumber."

-Genesis Rhapsodos-

Name : Genesis Rhapsodos
Age : 25
CV : Gakuto Kamui desu! (japan), Oliver Quinn (US)
Model : Gackt Camui
Weapon : Rapier, enpowered with magic
What's interesting from him : A one-winged guy! and it's black!
About him : Terobsesi bgt sama LOVELESS. Merupakan hasil project G, yang ternyata adalah sebuah kegagalan dan mengalami degrading. Teman masa kecil Angeal ini berasal dari keluarga yang kaya di Banora Village. Impiannya adalah untuk makan apel Banora While bersama dengan Sephiroth. Tapi hubungannya dengan Sephiroth tidak lancar karena mereka berebut 'glory'. Setelah mengetahui bahwa dia mengalami degrading, Genesis mencari 'the gift of the goddess'. Zack mengira gift tsb adalah S cell aka sel Sephiroth, tetapi kemudian Genesis mengatakan 'the gift of the goddess' adalah a heavenly boon, found only in Banora. Know what? That's rite, Banora White. Setelah dikalahkan Zack, Genesis dibawa oleh Nero dan Weiss ke Deepground untuk kemudian muncul kembali di FFVII : Dirge of Cerberus, secret ending.


The Seeker

- A Tribute to red Leather -


A black feather, falling beneath the shadows
By the rustling leaves, from the infinite space of the sky
As the restless wind vanquishes dawn
A painful voice flows by...

Act I

The foggy night, the thrilling darkness, banished...
The sun, once again, is replacing the empty space left by the moon
A bright orange, spreading from far east throughout the sky
As a new day arises, a new life is born
What fate awaits for the innocent child?

As time goes by, the child has turned to a dazzling youth
Vibrant and bright, he brought fame to his humble hometown
But the youth was not satisfied
And so, he embarked on a journey
Seeking for the hero he admired
While hoping there is also a hero in him

Act II

A fallen angel, one might say...
With a dark-stained wing, crimson as blood
And the once embracing wing shattered to nothingness
The graceful eyes, engulfed by shame

~ ~ ~

As the youth turned into a fine young man
He found the hero he sought for so long
And became a hero himself

Surrounded by friends and allies, bathe with power and fame
The young man started to feel unease

Frightened by a strange power he holds within
The young man hides himself from the sparkling fame
He was then found, however...
Back at his once beloved hometown, which is now nothing but dead city

But the young man has found the truth he sought
And he returned, as a dreadful monstrous rebel


A banishing pride...
The once esteemed hero, disgraced to beast
A tumbling honor...
The prisoner of fate finds no way to escape

~ ~ ~

Even if he has strength, even if he has power
The young man feels no joy
The friends he once trusted and loved have left

One returned to the mother earth
While the other has fled to pursue his desire

The young man is the only one that's left
In hope that he will regain his lost pride and honor
He, once again, decided to embark on a journey
Believing in a small ray of hope which he holds so dear

Act IV

Are there dreams left for such being?
Are there hopes left for he who seeks the light?
Wishing for a gift which is yet to be known
An imaginary bliss, exists only in fantasy

~ ~ ~

A transient bliss...
The young man is running out of time
While the beast inside him is crawling out of its shell
The answer he seeks emerged from the earth's core

He saw the light he searched for
He found the truth he longed for
The goddess he dreamed of shows him the path
By her gentle hands he obtained his lost pride and honor

Act V

When the world is hurtling to chaos
When crisis is once again in sight
Salvation lies in the goddess' hands
By his blade the judgment will fall

~ ~ ~

Although his wing of freedom is restored
The young man did not forget the oath he once swore
Devoting himself to duty for eternity
He stepped on the path given by the goddess

Carrying a blade of judgment
The young man sent himself to exile
Awaiting for the coming chaos
He sank into the depth of darkness

And as he froze in his long slumber
The dream of his past swells quietly
A tiny wish which is impossible to grant
To be once again reunited with his loved friends

Minggu, 05 September 2010

Wanita Yang Tak Pernah Shalat, Mati Saat Sedang Berdandan!!

Temanku berkata kepadaku, "Ketika perang teluk berlangsung, aku sedang berada di Mesir dan sebelum perang meletus, aku sudah terbiasa menguburkan mayat di Kuwait yang aku ketahui dari masyarakat setempat. Salah seorang familiku menghubungiku meminta agar menguburkan ibu mereka yang meninggal. Aku pergi ke pekuburan dan aku menunggu di tempat memandikan mayat.
Di sana aku melihat empat wanita berhijab bergegas meninggalkan tempat memandikan mayat tersebut. Aku tidak menanyakan sebab mereka keluar dari tempat itu karena memang bukan urusanku. Beberapa menit kemudian wanita yang memandikan mayat keluar dan memintaku agar menolongnya memandikan mayat tersebut. Aku katakan kepadanya, 'Ini tidak boleh, karena tidak halal bagi seorang lelaki melihat aurat wanita.' Tetapi ia mengemukakan alasannya bahwa jenazah wanita yang satu ini sangat besar.
Kemudian wanita itu kembali masuk dan memandikan mayat tersebut. Setelah selesai dikafankan, ia memanggil kami agar mayat tersebut diusung. Karena jenazah ini terlalu berat, kami berjumlah sebelas orang masuk ke dalam untuk mengangkatnya. Setelah sampai di lubang kuburan (kebiasaan penduduk Mesir membuat pekuburan seperti ruangan lalu dengan menggunakan tangga, mereka menurunkan mayat ke ruangan tersebut dan meletakkannya di dalamnya dengan tidak ditimbun).
Kami buka lubang masuknya dan kami turunkan dari pundak kami. Namun tiba-tiba jenazahnya terlepas dan terjatuh ke dalam dan tidak sempat kami tangkap kembali hingga aku mendengar dari gemeretak tulangnya yang patah ketika jenazah itu jatuh. Aku melihat ke dalam ternyata kain kafannya sedikit terbuka sehingga terlihat auratnya. Aku segera melompat ke jenazah dan menutup aurat tersebut.
Lalu dengan susah payah aku menyeretnya ke arah kiblat dan aku buka kafan di bagian mukanya. Aku melihat pemandangan yang aneh. Matanya terbe-lalak dan berwarna hitam. Aku menjadi takut dan segera memanjat ke atas dengan tidak menoleh ke belakang lagi.
Setelah sampai di apartemen, aku menghubungi salah seorang anak perempuan jenazah. Ia bersumpah agar aku menceritakan apa yang terjadi saat memasukkan jenazah ke dalam kuburan. Aku berusaha untuk mengelak, namun ia terus mendesakku hingga akhirnya terpaksa harus memberitahukannya. Ia berkata, "Ya Syaikh (panggilan yang sering diucapkan kepada seorang ustadz-red), ketika anda melihat kami bergegas keluar dikarenakan kami melihat wajah ibu kami menghitam, karena ibu kami tidak pernah sekalipun melaksanakan shalat dan meninggal dalam keadaan berdandan."
Kisah nyata ini menegaskan bahwa Allah Subhanahu wata'ala menghendaki agar sebagian hamba-Nya melihat bekas Su'ul khatimah hamba-Nya yang durhaka agar menjadi pelajaran bagi yang masih hidup. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu merupakan pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang berakal.

Sumber: Serial Kisah Teladan karya Muhammad bin Shalih al-Qahthani, Juz 2 seperti yang dinukilnya dari Kisah-Kisah Nyata karya Abdul Hamid Jasim al-Bilaly

Sabtu, 04 September 2010


Sephiroth (セフィロス Sefirosu) adalah tokoh antagonis utama di dalam game RPG buatan Squaresoft Final Fantasy VII. Dia adalah tokoh jahat yang paling terkenal dalam seri Final Fantasy, dan pernah muncul di game lain, Ehrgeiz, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II dan Itadaki Street Special. Dalam kompilasi dari Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth juga muncul di game ponsel Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII, flm animasi Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children dan midkuel OVA Last Order: Final Fantasy VII. Penampilannya didesain oleh Tetsuya Nomura, dan namanya berasal dari Kabbalah, yang dimana sepuluh sephiroth di Pohon Kehidupan menunjukkan aspek-aspek Dewa yang berbeda.

Di Jepang, pengisi suara Sephiroth adalah Shinichiro Miki di Ehrgeiz dan Toshiyuki Morikawa di Advent Children. Di Kingdom Hearts versi Inggris, pengisi suaranya adalah Lance Bass dari 'N Sync, sebuah keputusan yang mengundang respon negatif dari beberapa fans. Di versi Inggris Advent Children dan Kingdom Hearts II, pengisi suaranya adalah George Newbern.


Sephiroth merupakan anak kandung dari Professor Hojo dan Lucretia(Beberapa Fans percaya bahwa Sephiroth adalah anak dari Vincent Valentine-Bekas Turks yang terpana pada Lucrecia). Pada saat lahir, dia sudah memiliki kekuatan supranatural yang membuatnya berbeda dengan anak-anak lain. Hal ini disebabkan karena sel Jenova yang diinjeksikan ke dalam tubuh Lucretia saat dia mengandung Sephiroth oleh Professor Hojo. Namun setelah Sephiroth lahir, Hojo membawa kabur anaknya itu dan meninggalkan Lucretia begitu saja. Sephiroth hanya mengetahui bahwa nama ibunya adalah Jenova

Beberapa tahun kemudian Sephiroth masuk SOLDIER dan menjadi prajurit disana. Dalam waktu yang singkat Sephiroth menjadi prajurit SOLDIER kelas atas karena kekuatan dan keterampilannya yang luar biasa. Diapun menjadi idola para anggota SOLDIER.

Kemudian dia diberi misi untuk memeriksa Mako Reactor yang ada di Nibelheim bersama dengan Zack dan Cloud yang pada waktu itu Cloud hanya seorang prajurit Shinra. Setibanya di Nibelheim, Sephiroth memulai pemeriksaan dipandu oleh teman masa kecil Cloud, Tifa. Di dalam Mako Reactor, Sephiroth sangan terkejut ketika mengetahui bahwa di dalam ada suatu ruangan bertuliskan Jenova dan tabung-tabung berisikan monster percobaan Shinra. Dari situlah Sephiroth mulai menganggap bahwa dirinya juga bukanlah manusia, melainkan hanya hasil percobaan Shinra. Setelah kejadian itu Sephiroth mengurung dirinya di dalam sebuah mansion tua Shinra yang ada di kota Nibelheim. Sephiroth membaca semua buku yang ada di perpustakaan mansion itu selama berhari-hari.

Setelah dia membaca semua buku itu, akhirnya dia menjadi "gila" karena pengaruh sel Jenova dan menganggap bahwa dirinya adalah salah satu dari kaum Cetra. Dia juga menganggap bahwa umat manusialah yang menyebabkan punahnya kaum Cetra dan hanya sang "ibu" Jenova yang berhak untuk menguasai planet. Dengan keyakinannya itu dia akhirnya membakar kota Nibelheim dan pergi menuju Reactor untuk bertemu sang "ibu".

Beberapa penduduk yang selamat memburu Sephiroth, termasuk Tifa dan ayahnya. Saat tiba di Reactor, Tifa menemukan ayahnya yang tewas dan pedang Sephiroth, Masamune, di sisi tubuhnya. Tifa langsung mencabut pedang itu dan berusaha menyerang Sephiroth dari belakang. Sayangnya usaha itu sia-sia dan Tifa tergeletak tak berdaya. Dan akhirnya Sephiroth bertemu dengan sang "ibu" Jenova. Saat itu Zack yang menyusul Sephiroth melihat Tifa tergeletak. Zack yang marah akhirnya menantang Sephiroth dan ingin membunuhnya. Namun sayang dia juga terhempas begitu saja oleh Sephiroth. Untungnya Cloud yang juga menyusul menemukan Zack terbaring di tanah. Dia menyuruh Cloud untuk membunuh Sephiroth. Pada saat Sephiroth mengambil kepala Jenova, dia ditusuk dari belakang oleh Cloud. Karena tusukan itu Sephiroth mengalami cedera yang cukup parah. Tetapi Sephiroth membalas dengan menusukkan Masamunenya pada Cloud. Kemudian saat Sephiroth mencoba melarikan diri sambil membawa kepala Jenova, Cloud, yang juga mengalami cedera parah akibat tusukan Sephiroth, mendorongnya hingga akhirnya dia terjatuh ke dalam Lifestream dan menghilang.

Pemunculan Lain

Sephiroth juga hadir di dalam game Kingdom Hearts dan Kingdom Hearts II sebagai Boss pilihan. Dalam pemunculannya di serial Kingdom Hearts, Sephiroth mengalami beberapa perubahan pada model bajunya, ditambah pula dengan satu sayap di sebelah kanan punggungnya, namun tetap dengan pedangnya Masamune. Dalam Kingdom Hearts pemain bisa melawan Sephiroth di Platinum Cup di Olympus Coliseum. Sedangkan dalam Kingdom Hearts II pemain bisa melawannya setelah Hollow Bastion berganti nama menjadi Radiant Garden di area "Dark Dephts".

Jumat, 03 September 2010

Zack Fair

Zack Fair adalah karakter dalam game Final Fantasy VII. Meski tidak muncul secara jelas, namun Zack memiliki peranan yang cukup penting, utamanya menyangkut masa lalu dan kepribadian Cloud Strife.

Latar belakang

Zack adalah seorang anggota SOLDIER 1st Class. Ia berasal dari Gongaga, sebuah desa kecil yang terletak di tengah hutan. Bertahun-tahun silam ia berangkat menuju Midgar untuk menjadi seorang anggota SOLDIER. Zack berhasil lulus dalam tes masuk dan dengan cepat meraih posisi 1st Class, namun sebelum sempat menunjukkan aksinya perang telah berakhir. Karenanya ia selalu menerima misi-misi yang diberikan padanya.


Zack adalah karakter yang cenderung easy going, ia bahkan tetap tersenyum dalam situasi kritis sekalipun. Sifat lainnya yang menonjol adalah kesetiakawanannya yang tinggi dan rasa percaya dirinya yang tinggi.

Hubungan dengan karakter lain

Saat di Midgar Zack berteman dengan Cloud. Berbeda denan Zack, Cloud sendiri gagal dalam tes masuk dan hanya menjadi prajurit biasa. Cloud sendiri nampaknya menyimpan rasa iri sekaligus kekaguman pada Zack, terbukti gaya bertarungnya banyak diadaptasi dari gaya bertarung Zack. Saat dimanipulasi oleh sel Jenova, Cloud juga mengambil sebagian kenangannya akan Zack dan menjadikannya sebagai kenangannya sendiri. Pedang Buster Sword yang digunakan Cloud di awal game adalah pedang yang sebelumnya digunakan Zack.

Zack juga menjalin hubungan asmara dengan gadis penjual bunga bernama Aerith atau Aeris Gainsborough, ia bahkan sempat menulis surat ke orang tuanya mengenai gadis itu. namun setelah misi ke Nibelheim, ia kehilangan kontak dengan Aerith. Selain itu Tifa juga mengenal Zack selama misi di Nibelheim 5 tahun silam.


Dalam game Final Fantasy VII, Zack hanya muncul dalam beberapa dialog, misal dialog dengan orang tuanya di Gongaga. Zack juga muncul dalam flashback tragedi Nibelheim, atau flashback setelah Zack mengunjungi basement Shinra Mansion di Nibelheim. Dalam flashback dikisahkan Zack berhasil melarikan diri sambil membawa Cloud, namun dalam pelariannya ia tewas terbunuh di dekat Midgar.

Kisah lebih lengkap mengenai peran Zack dalam tragedi Nibelheim dan pelarian mereka terangkaum dalam OAV singkat berjudul Last Order. Zack juga muncul sekilas dalam film Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Zack juga merupakan peran sentral dalam game berjudul Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.

Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Complete Character's Part 3

Wheel-chaired Man

The identity of this mystery man is almost instantly revealed the first time we see him in Advent Children. Rumors have flooded over the identity behind the blanket ever since his picture was released. This wheel-chaired man requests a job for Cloud to be his bodyguard, and he plays an extremely important role in Advent Children.


After the attacks of Diamond Weapon came crashing through the President's window two years ago, Rufus was somehow able to escape the collision. Rufus' escape was to be explained, but the uninterested Cloud interrupted, unwilling to hear what the President had to say. Rufus ends up being the wheel-chaired man, covering himself to hide his Geostigma stricken body. Rufus believes that Shin-Ra has a big debt to pay for allowing the madness of Sephiroth to almost destroy the world. With the interference at the Northern Crater, causing Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz to be born, Rufus is determined to rid of them before they destroy what Shin-Ra wants to rebuild.


After Cloud's meeting with Rufus, Cloud goes to visit the spot of Zack's grave. The Geostigma causes Cloud to remember things from his past, including Zack's death in trying to protect Cloud.


The incidents of Sephiroth two years ago have led the Shin-Ra Company to investigate the aftereffects left behind at the Northern Crater. The Northern Crater was void, leaving nothing behind; however, an interference happened, causing Sephiroth's thoughts to merge into three living bodies. The three Silver Haired Brothers: Kadaj, Yazoo, And Loz, were created. This explains the similarities of their appearance to Sephiroth. Kadaj, leader of the Silver Haired Brothers, is driven to find Jenova, and to restart the Reunion in order to take revenge against the Planet. Kadaj's deranged intent causes him to do whatever it will take to find Jenova and destroy the Planet. The Three Silver Haired Brothers fight in opposition against Shin-Ra and Cloud, and anyone else who will stand against them.

Kadaj uses a double sword called the "Souba (Twin Blade)".


One of the members of the Silver Haired Brothers, Yazoo is mysterious in nature. Yazoo will do what he must in order to find Jenova, yet never shows much emotion. He is very passive, quiet, and will listen to the commands of his brother, Kadaj, in order to obtain Jenova.
Yazoo uses a gun blade called the "Velvet Nightmare" and primarily fights alongside his brother, Loz. Yazoo also fights without any weapon, using martial arts to attack.


Loz is the third member of the Silver Haired Brothers. His physical appearance can be misleading, seeing Loz is quite the crybaby. Loz has an impressive physical strength, being able to practically break anything that is standing in his way. Loz is also the fastest of the brothers, having the ability of transporting himself during battle. Loz mainly fights along side Yazoo, with the same goal to acquire Jenova.

Loz fights with a weapon called the Duel Hound, an electrified, tazer-like weapon that attaches to his left arm that also serves as a shield.

Bahamut Sin

Being at command of whomever summons, Bahamut Sin is summoned by Kadaj in the streets of Midgar and to find Jenova and to rid of Cloud. The ones who fought beside Cloud two years ago help to rid of Bahamut before he destroys the people of Midgar.


When Sephiroth was defeated at the Northern Crater by Cloud, Jenova's cells entered the Lifestream, creating Geostigma Syndrome. Jenova still controls Sephiroth's thoughts: Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz, planting in their minds thoughts of the Reunion. The locations of all of Jenova's parts are a mystery, yet a part of her has been discovered by Shin-Ra Company.

Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Complete Character's Part 2

Yuffie Kisaragi

After Final Fantasy VII, Yuffie went back to Wutai, her hometown. Leading up to the events of Advent Children, all the children at Wutai were missing. Yuffie came to Midgar to get some answers from Cloud and to fight again. Yuffie is her lively, animated self, still holding on to her obsession with materia. It seems Yuffie also has never gotten rid of that motion sickness yet.

Yuffie still battles with her 4-point shuriken. Yuffie's outfit has also been entirely changed, now sporting a blue flowered shirt, grey vest, khaki shorts, and tan knee-boots.


Red XIII makes an appearance back at Midgar again to help Cloud fight against Bahamut and the evil reborn. Not much is said about Red XIII during the movie. He is normally quiet and calm, and now has Cait Sith riding on his back. Red XIII makes an appearance in the beginning of the movie, showing him and his pups 500 years after Final Fantasy VII. This scene is also shown in Final Fantasy VII at the very end of the game.

Cid Highwind

During the past two years, Cid's love for the skies has not been tainted. Cid has created a new model aircraft: Sierra. Cid and his new aircraft take everyone who fought with Cloud two years ago back to Midgar to accompany Cloud in his new struggle. Cid's spirited heart and bad attitude have not changed at all during the past two years.
Cid carries his long spear still, and his style has been altered to a pair of green pants and blue colored shirt.

Cait Sith

Cait Sith comes to Midgar riding on the back of Red XIII. Reeve is also heard leaving a voice mail on Cloud's cell phone, talking to him about Cloud's new job as Strife Delivery Service.

Marlene Wallace

After Barret left Midgar in search of a new power source, Marlene now lives with Tifa, taking care of Denzel, an orphan suffering with Geostigma Syndrome. Marlene looks up to Cloud and cares for him greatly.


Denzel is one of the orphaned children inflicted with Geostigma who lives with Tifa. Denzel tries hard to fight the Geostigma that causes him to have severe pain. Denzel will do anything to have his Geostigma cured, even listening to the lies of Kadaj, saying that he will cure is Geostigma.


After Shin-Ra's downfall, Reno is still devoted to the Company and works with his partner, Rude. Reno was part of the investigation of the Northern Crater when the interference happened. When Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz were formed, Reno turned to Cloud, giving Strife Delivery Service a call, saying that he had a job request. Reno is in opposition to the Silver Haired Brothers and battles them on the streets of Midgar. Reno still sports his Shin-Ra Turk suit, and never lets go of his tazer.


Since Shin-Ra Company fell two years ago, Rude now works as a bodyguard for the Wheel-chaired Man. Rude fights beside Reno, his former partner in Final Fantasy VII. Being against the Silver Haired Brothers, Rude engages in combat against them in Midgar. Rude wears his official Turk suit, and his signature sunglasses.

Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Complete Character's Part 1

Cloud Strife

Two years after the Planet's jeopardy by Sephiroth, Cloud lives separate and alone from most of the world, acting as a delivery man for his own Postal Company: Strife Delivery Service. Strife Delivery Service works with Tifa's 7th Heaven in caring for orphaned children inflicted with Geostigma Syndrome, a disease caused by Jenova's cells in the Lifestream that can result in severe pain or death.

When the Planet is threatened again, Cloud finds himself carrying around the mistakes of his past, believing in his incapability of protecting anyone. Cloud's emotional wounds allow him to be faint of heart, oppressed by the memories lost. Seeking forgiveness, he fights for the chance of redemption.

With the life of the Planet at stake, Cloud fights on, battling his sins, to save others. Cloud also struggles with his physical condition, being inflicted with Geostigma as well, which brings about painful memories of his past.

Cloud's style has been changed from Final Fantasy VII. Instead of his signature SOLDIER uniform, Cloud now wears an all-black outfit, carrying around a new sword (using about 6 smaller swords in one), rather than the Buster Sword. The Buster now marks the spot of Zack's grave.


Sephiroth still haunts Cloud's past. Cloud's Geostigma causes him to have flashbacks of Sephiroth's destruction of Nibelheim. When Kadaj transforms into Sephiroth, Sephiroth tells Cloud that he will use the thoughts of those who died from Geostigma to eat away at the Planet, and then use the Planet to travel the darkness of the universe.

Tifa Lockheart

Still working at 7th Heaven, Tifa now helps orphaned children suffering from Geostigma, and works alongside Cloud's Company: Strife Delivery Service. Tifa has not changed much, still showing ultimate concern for Cloud, especially now with his Geostigma and his emotional scars from his past. Tifa has a big part in encouraging and convincing Cloud to fight on, even if he believes he is not able to help anyone, to still try and not loose to the memories made.

Tifa's outfit has been entirely changed since Final Fantasy VII. Her new attire is now a pair of long shorts, with skirt-like, leather material hanging in the back. Her new shirt is a black leather vest with a white shirt underneath. Tifa still fights with her martial arts skill.


Aeris' death still torments Cloud for allowing her to die without him helping at all. Aeris comes to him in a vision at the Ancient City, and Cloud tells her that he wants to be forgiven, yet Aeris has never once held a grudge against Cloud. Throughout Advent Children, Aeris is there in spirit to help Cloud through his struggles and trials, and to help Cloud free himself of his sins.

Vincent Valentine

When the world was threatened again by the Silver Haired Brothers, Vincent has been keeping an eye on Kadaj and his calamitous plans. Because of this, Vincent has learned of Kadaj's intentions of restarting the Reunion and destroying the Planet. Vincent had also rescued two of Shin-Ra's Turks, Tseng and Elena, who were on the verge of dying by the Silver Haired Brothers, which allowed him to learn that the Shin-Ra Company had obtained a part of Jenova's body.
Vincent returns to Midgar to fight alongside Cloud once again to help save the Planet from annihilation. Vincent attacks with a long pistol and has tremendous agility.

Barret Wallace

Since the use of Mako Energy has been rejected, Barret has set out to find a new source of power, leaving Marlene under Tifa's care. Barret's search had led him to find a large oilfield. Barret returns back to Midgar to help Cloud once more in defeating the threatening evil against the world. Barret still fights with a mechanical right arm which transforms into a gun.


Name: Loz
Age: 20
Affiliation: Remnants of Sephiroth
Position: Member
Weapon: Dual Hound

Loz is the oldest member of the trio Remnants of Sephiroth under Kadaj’s leadership. He provides an extra hand in gaining the Jenova Cells to restore Sephiroth.

Like his brothers, he is also good at hand-to-hand combat. He has very good reflexes and shows outstanding speed in both offensive and defensive attacks. His weapon of choice is a pilebunker attached to his left wrist, which he calls Dual Hound. Unlike Kadaj, Loz doesn’t have matera.

One interesting characteristic of Loz is being a crybaby. For a brawny violent guy, he sure knows how to keep in touch with his feminine side. He is emotional particularly when he misses him mom, which he has never seen before. Poor baby.
Loz is the third member of the Silver Haired Brothers. His physical appearance can be misleading, seeing Loz is quite the crybaby. Loz has an impressive physical strength, being able to practically break anything that is standing in his way. Loz is also the fastest of the brothers, having the ability of transporting himself during battle. Loz mainly fights along side Yazoo, with the same goal to acquire Jenova.

Kamis, 02 September 2010


"I've never known Sephiroth. I just... I sense him there. It's unbearable to think that Mother might want Sephiroth more than..."
Kadaj said

Kadaj is the main antagonist throughout most of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. The leader of the Remnants of Sephiroth, Kadaj's goal is to find Jenova, who he believes is his Mother, and conquer the planet. However, unknown to him is the influence of Sephiroth over Jenova's remains, and so Kadaj is unaware that he is merely a tool for Sephiroth's resurrection, although he knows that Sephiroth is more favored by Jenova.

Kadaj, above his brothers, is aware of the existence and plans of Jenova and Sephiroth, as neither Loz nor Yazoo even indicate they know Sephiroth exists. In spite of, or perhaps because of this, Kadaj's dedication to his Mother's cause is accompanied by a deep insecurity over his inferiority to Sephiroth in her eyes. Despite this, he is still a highly skilled warrior and a strong leader.


"So what if I'm a puppet? Once upon a time, you were too!" he said to Cloud

Although Tetsuya Nomura wanted Sephiroth to appear in the film from early in production, a secondary villain just as evil and cruel was needed, if not a villain more evil due to the film's limited timeframe. It is for this role that Kadaj was made. Before Kadaj was given a name or his brothers were designed, the character model and artwork for Kadaj were called "Lost Name".

Kadaj embodies Sephiroth's cruelty and insanity. Kadaj was not given an exact age, but was given a young appearance and made the leader of the Remnants to give the sense of a psychotic, unstoppable child. Kadaj's voice actor Shotaro Morikubo in the original Japanese version of the film, helped shape his character as a lost and dazed youth with an insanity streak - Nomura describes him as "talking quickly, then speaking slowly or breaking into laughter for no apparent reason". Morikubo joked that Kadaj's lines were thus difficult to get right, and it was only after failing to get them right and "losing his cool" that the desired effects would be achieved.

Several of Kadaj's scenes, such as his death with Aerith's presence and his conversations with Rufus, expand on the plot and his character, and were original cut from the film. His death scene was meant to give a sense that he had found some sense of relief. The staff envisioned Kadaj as a reminder of what Cloud once was - a puppet to Sephiroth's will - which led to the inclusion of the line in which Kadaj reminds Cloud of this. The line endeared Kadaj to the staff, which led to the development of more scenes featuring him.


Angga Yanuari Putra.....biasa saya panggil Atenk = Anak Tenksin....emang bener...tuh anak stres abis....suka sama si Eka temen sekelas dia waktu kelas 1...ochip suka bubur buatan ibunya....(padahal blom pernah nyoba ckckck)...huh...ochip kebawa stres ma dia....^^
huh...gitu-gitu juga BUKAN sahabat ochip (loh?)
maksudnya...dia sahabat baik ochip...hehehehe
(tong GEER sia tenk wkkwk)
si atenk mah maennya sering sama si Sange (Fajar Sani) adeknya si atenk...wkwkwkwk
gk tau kenapa tuh si Sange....ngefans banget sama si Atenk....sering si Atenk di siksa sama si Sange....tp dia orangnya sabar,,,pepatah mengatakan..."ORANG SABAR PANTATNYA LEBAR (loh?)" wkwkwk
oh iya...pernah waktu itu....pas Studytour...ke Cipanas...orang lain bawa duit...dia mah malah asik-asikan ga bawa duit...huh...stres abis lah....modal nekat doang...wakakakakakak

@Atenk : udah dulu...yg ochip tau tentang lu cuma sgitu....huuh


 Kuntilanak (bahasa Melayu: puntianak, pontianak) adalah hantu yang dipercaya berasal dari perempuan hamil yang meninggal dunia atau wanita yang meninggal karena melahirkan dan anak tersebut belum sempat lahir. Nama "kuntilanak" atau "pontianak" kemungkinan besar berasal dari gabungan kata "bunting" (hamil) dan "anak". Mitos ini mirip dengan mitos hantu langsuir yang dikenal di Asia Tenggara, terutama di nusantara Indonesia. Mitos hantu kuntilanak sejak dahulu juga telah menjadi mitos yang umum di Malaysia setelah dibawa oleh imigran-imigran dari nusantara..
Kota Pontianak mendapat namanya karena konon Abdurrahman Alkadrie, pendiri Kesultanan Pontianak, diganggu hantu ini ketika akan menentukan tempat pendirian istana.


Dalam cerita rakyat Melayu, sosok kuntilanak digambarkan dalam bentuk wanita cantik. Kuntilanak digambarkan senang meneror penduduk kampung untuk menuntut balas. Kuntilanak sewaktu muncul selalu diiringi harum bunga kemboja. Konon laki-laki yang tidak berhati-hati bisa dibunuh sesudah kuntilanak berubah wujud menjadi penghisap darah. Kuntilanak dikatakan sering menjelma sebagai wanita cantik yang berjalan seorang diri dijalan yang sunyi. Oleh karena itu, cerita ini kemungkinan bertujuan menghindari golongan wanita daripada diganggu oleh pemuda-pemuda yang takut akan Kuntilanak ketika berjalan seorang diri di jalan yang sunyi.
Dalam cerita seram dan film horor di televisi Malaysia, kuntilanak digambarkan membunuh mangsa dengan cara menghisap darah di bagian tengkuk, seperti vampir.
Agak berbeda dengan gambaran menurut tradisi Melayu, kuntilanak menurut tradisi Sunda tidak memiliki lubang di punggung dan hanya mengganggu dengan penampakan saja. Jenis yang memiliki lubang di punggung sebagaimana deskripsi di atas disebut sundel bolong. Kuntilanak konon juga menyukai pohon tertentu sebagai tempat "bersemayam", misalnya waru yang tumbuh condong ke samping (populer disebut "waru doyong").


Berdasarkan kepercayaan dan tradisi masyarakat Jawa, kuntilanak tidak akan mengganggu wanita hamil bila wanita tersebut selalu membawa paku, pisau, dan gunting bila bepergian ke mana saja. Hal ini menyebabkan seringnya ditemui kebiasaan meletakkan gunting, jarum dan pisau di dekat tempat tidur bayi.
Menurut kepercayaan masyarakat Melayu, benda tajam seperti paku bisa menangkal serangan kuntilanak. Ketika kuntilanak menyerang, paku ditancapkan di lubang yang ada di belakang leher kuntilanak. Sementara dalam kepercayaan masyarakat Indonesia lainnya, lokasi untuk menancapkan paku bisa bergeser ke bagian atas ubun-ubun kuntilanak.